proadAccountId-1002189 • Apr 07, 2023

By: Scott M. Ceurvels, Esq.


 New Federal Information Reporting Requirements to be Imposed on Privately-Held Companies and Their Owners by the U.S. Department of Treasury

Effective January 1, 2024, corporations, limited liability companies and similar entities (which are not publicly-traded companies) must file detailed information concerning the entity and its owners with the U.S. Department of Treasury. Significant penalties will be imposed on entities and owners for noncompliance with this new reporting requirement.

These obligations arise from the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, in which Congress enacted the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) as a component of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020. This article provides a summary of the CTA, the reporting requirements it creates and the penalties that could be imposed in the event of noncompliance.

Purpose. The CTA is intended serve a variety of purposes, from improving national security and anti-money laundering standards to gathering information about entities within the United States with “hidden owners” and setting a clear and universal standard for incorporation practices.

Reporting Obligation. The primary mechanism by which the CTA seeks to achieve these purposes is the establishment of a national registry of beneficial owners of certain entities, referred to as “reporting companies”, which will be required to file with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau within the U.S. Department of Treasury, reports identifying the company’s beneficial owners and information about company applicants. The contents of these reports will be discussed in more detail below.

Reporting Companies. The CTA defines a “reporting company” as any corporation, limited liability company, or other similar entity that is created by filing a document with the Secretary of State or similar office in any state, territory, federally recognized Indian Tribe, or under the laws of a foreign country and registered to do business in the United States.

Beneficial Owners. The CTA defines a “beneficial owner” as an individual who, directly or indirectly:

  • Exercises substantial control over the entity; or
  • Owns or controls not less than 25 percent equity in the entity.

The CTA also excludes certain individuals from the definition of beneficial ownership, including:

  • a minor child (as long as the child’s parent’s or guardian’s information is reported);
  • a person acting as an agent on behalf of another;
  • a person whose control over the company derives from employment, not ownership;
  • a person whose only interest in the company is through a right of inheritance; or
  • a creditor of the company (unless they qualify as a “beneficial owner”)

Company Applicants. The “company applicant” is either:

  • The person who directly files the document that creates the entity for domestic reporting companies, or the document that first registers the entity to do business in the U.S. if the entity is a foreign reporting company; or
  • The person who is primarily responsible for directing or controlling the filing of the relevant document, described above, by another person.

Reporting Requirements. In each report to FinCEN, a reporting company is required to provide the following information for each beneficial owner of the entity:

  • Beneficial owner’s full legal name;
  • Date of birth;
  • Current residential address; and
  • A unique identifying number from an acceptable identification document (driver’s license, passport, etc.).

Company applicants will also be required to provide this information, but may provide a business street address rather than a residential address. However, company applicants will only be required to provide this information for entities formed on or after January 1, 2024.

Additionally, certain “company information” is required in the report, including the reporting companies’:

  • Full legal name;
  • Any trade name;
  • Current address of the principal place of business;
  • Jurisdiction of formation; and
  • Internal Revenue Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) (including an Employer Identification Number) of the reporting company.

Exceptions. The CTA contains a number of exceptions for entities exempt from reporting, including certain regulated industries which already require similar beneficial ownership information reporting, publicly traded companies, certain investment companies, nonprofits and government entities.

There is also a significant exception that applies to “large operating companies” which meet the following conditions and are therefore exempt from the reporting requirement:

  • Employs more than 20 employees;
  • Filed in the previous tax year a tax return demonstrating more than $5 million in gross receipts or sales; and
  • Has an operating presence at a physical office within the United States.

Effective Date. The date that initial reports to FinCEN are due depends on whether the reporting company is an existing entity or a newly formed one. The final rule implementing the CTA will go into effect on January 1, 2024. Reporting companies in existence prior to this date will have one year, until January 1, 2025, to file their initial reports with FinCEN. Reporting Companies created or registered to do business between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 must file an initial report within 90 days of creation/registration. Reporting Companies created or registered to do business on or after January 1, 2025 must file within 30 days of creation/registration.

Following the filing of a Reporting Company’s initial report, any changes to the information included in previous filings – except for changes with respect to the company applicant(s) – must be reported within 30 days of such change.

Penalties. Providing false information or failing to report complete information to FinCEN can result in fines of $500 per day up to a maximum civil penalty of $10,000 and imprisonment for up to two years. The CTA does contain a safe harbor from liability for the submission of inaccurate information if the person who submitted the report voluntarily corrects the report within 90 days.

For further information regarding your particular circumstances, or if you need assistance with compliance, reach out to your accountant or contact us at (315) 471-8111.

This article is intended to be for informational and discussion purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice or as a legal opinion on which certain actions should or should not be taken.

26 Jun, 2024
By: Daniel J. Fetter, Esq. The SMB M&A series provides insights into buying and selling a small business. If buying or selling a business, you may have heard of a "Letter of Intent" or "LOI". What is it and why is it important? The LOI is a non-binding offer that allows the parties to agree at a high level on certain key terms and conditions of a proposed deal. Starting with an LOI can make the deal process more efficient as it creates a roadmap when drafting and negotiating the definitive agreements. The LOI typically includes the following terms/conditions: Transaction Structure . In most cases, the LOI will specify the transaction structure – whether the buyer is acquiring the stock or assets or some other type of arrangement. Purchase Price and Method of Payment . It sets forth the purchase price or how the purchase price will be determined, including any post-closing price adjustments or working capital calculations. The LOI will also address how the purchase price will be paid (cash, seller financing, debt assumption, equity, etc.). Due Diligence . The LOI will outline the time period for the Buyer to conduct its due diligence investigation (typically 30-90 days after signing the LOI) and the limitations around that investigation (e.g., when the Buyer can contact employees and customers). The due diligence investigation will allow the Buyer to inspect the business from a financial, legal and tax standpoint. Conditions . It may include certain conditions that must be met for the parties to proceed with the transaction, including Buyer obtaining financing and/or any necessary government or third-party approvals. Exclusivity . The LOI will typically include an "exclusivity" or "no shop" clause that prohibits the Seller from entertaining other offers from prospective buyers for a period of time. Generally speaking, the LOI is non-binding and cannot force a buyer or seller to proceed with the transaction. With that said, however, there are certain provisions which create binding obligations on the parties, including: (a) each party will cover their own expenses in pursuit of the transaction; (b) the governing law applied to the LOI; (c) the confidential nature of the proposed transaction; and most importantly (d) the exclusivity clause discussed above. The Scolaro Law Firm handles small business M&A transactions throughout New York State, Vermont, Pennsylvania and Florida. If you are interested in buying/selling a business, please contact Daniel Fetter or the attorney at our firm with whom you work. This article is intended to be for informational and discussion purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice or as a legal opinion on which certain actions should or should not be taken.
24 Jun, 2024
By: Daniel J. Fetter, Esq. The SMB M&A series provides insights into buying and selling a small business. When preparing to sell your business, make sure you require any potential buyer to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement ("NDA") before disclosing any confidential information. An NDA protects sensitive information like financial records, customer information, intellectual property and other proprietary information (including that you are in discussions to sell your business) from unauthorized disclosure. By requiring potential buyers to sign NDAs, you maintain confidentiality throughout the sale process and preserve the value of your business. In the event of a breach, the disclosing party may be entitled to monetary damages or injunctive relief to prevent further disclosure. In addition to the NDA, Sellers should take other precautions to avoid disclosure of Confidential Information, including: Limit disclosure only to those individuals who need to know for purposes of pursuing the transaction; Wait to disclose your most sensitive information (e.g., customer list) until you have more assurance that the deal will close; Use data rooms to share information rather than sending documentation by mail/email. This also allows users to track who viewed the information. The Scolaro Law Firm handles small business M&A transactions throughout New York State, Vermont, Pennsylvania and Florida. If you are interested in buying/selling a business, please contact Daniel Fetter or the attorney at our firm with whom you work. This article is intended to be for informational and discussion purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice or as a legal opinion on which certain actions should or should not be taken.
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